Ensuring Safety: Microbial Testing Requirements for Medical Marijuana
Hello, this is Oklahoma cannabis business attorney Jesse Kovach with the OK Cannabis Law Office. Today, we’re going to be looking at microbial testing thresholds for medical marijuana products. Now, this is for products that are not meter dose inhaler products, that are not meter dose nasal spray products, they’re not vaginal administration products, or rectal administration products.
The vast majority of products, but outside of those categories, have a total of seven different microbial or yeast agents that you will need to test for. These are the total yeast and mold microbial, which must be lower than 10 to the 4th colony forming units per gram. And the rest of these must be less than one colony forming unit per gram.
Microbial Agents to Test For
The microbial agents that need to be less than one colony-forming unit per gram include Shiga Toxin-Producing S-Trychia Coli, Pathogenic Salmonella, SPP, Aspergillus Flavus, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus Tereus. All of those need to be less than one colony forming unit per gram.
Seeking Legal Guidance?
If this information was helpful to you and you want to find more like it at our website, which is medicalmarijuana.attorney.
For a low-cost consultation with Oklahoma medical marijuana lawyer, contact us at 918-932-2879.