Standards for Success: Passing External Quality Control Tests in Cannabis Laboratories
Hello, this is Oklahoma Cannabis Business Attorney Jesse Kovach with the OK Cannabis Law Office. Today, we’re going to be looking at what are the standards for passing or failing the external quality control testing if you’re a laboratory. So we already have talked about in a previous video that you have to send out samples at least three times a year if you’re a laboratory to have your testing results validated. And essentially there’s a range that you have to target range for any analytes that you’re required to be testing for the sample that you send out must fall within that range. And if it doesn’t fall within that range, it’s called an unsatisfactory result.
Now if you do, you can have unsatisfactory results. What matters is that if you have more than 20% unsatisfactory results in any given testing event, then that will be considered a failed or unsuccessful participation in that testing event. Still, you can, for there to be action taken against the laboratory, you have to fail either two out of three times or two times in a row, have an unsuccessful testing event two times in a row, or two out of three times. In that case, a laboratory’s license may be revoked or suspended.
Get More Information on External Quality Control Testing
If you found this information helpful and want to learn more about the standards for passing the external quality control test in a laboratory, visit our website at We provide resources and information to help you navigate the legal requirements in the cannabis industry. Contact a Tulsa OMMA compliance attorney today for expert guidance and support.
Call for a Low-Cost Consultation
For a low-cost consultation on external quality control testing standards for laboratories, call an Tulsa medical marijuana lawyer at 918-932-2879. Our team is ready to assist you and provide the guidance you need to ensure compliance with regulations. Don’t hesitate to reach out for expert legal advice tailored to your specific situation.