Make Sure to Obtain Your Certificate of Good Standing From the Oklahoma Secretary of State
This is medical marijuana attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do Oklahoma medical cannabis law. We help set up a lot of Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Businesses.
So, we’ve been asked what the second step of starting a Cannabis business in Oklahoma is. As in a previous video, we discovered the first step was registering your business with the Oklahoma Secretary of State and finding your location.
So now that you’ve found your location and registered your business with the Oklahoma Secretary of State, your next step would be obtaining your certificate of good standing from the Oklahoma Secretary of State.
And you would also print off the certificate of compliance from the OMMA website, and you would take it into whatever department within the city, county, township, or municipality that the property where you’re going to operate your business from is located.
So, in some counties and cities and municipalities, it’s their zoning commission or their permitting department.
So you just need to reach out to your locality and find out who handles the certificates of compliance for medical marijuana businesses. So, once you’ve done that, then you can move on to step three, which will be coming.