There Are Different Ways to Start, the First One Is Setting up Your LLC
This is Oklahoma Cannabis Attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do medical cannabis law. Today we want to talk to those of you who are interested in becoming a business owner in this industry.
We get a lot of questions about, “Where do I start?” And it’s becoming more and more frequent that I’m getting those questions, so I’d like to discuss, where do you start? There’s a couple of different ways to start, and the first one is setting up your LLC.
If you don’t know how to do that, we can do that for you all day long. However, you also need to start with having a location for your business. So how do you find a location?
What town do you get it in, or do you start your business in? Because we’ve got 77 counties, we have a lot of towns, even places I’ve never heard of before. So you have to look around.
Our first suggestion… Granted, this is not legal advice, this is a suggestion. If you’re going to start a grow business, it needs to be in a rural area if you can.
You can do it in an industrial and light industrial area in a city, provided that you’ve reached out to that city’s zoning or planning commission, or something of that nature, and you have made sure that that particular piece of property meets their requirements because they’re the ones that’s going to issue you a certificate of compliance.
So that’s really where you start. You may find a piece of property that you like, but it may not be zoned properly. So this is what we tell clients is, “Find your location first.” Reach out to a broker. Most brokers know other brokers in other areas that may have property that would work for you. If you have any questions, give us a call at (918) 932-2879 to speak with a medical marijuana attorney in Tulsa.