Understand the Local Rules Behind Zoning, Permitting, Inspections in Your Particular Area
Video Transcribed: Tulsa Business Cannabis Attorney Isaiah Brydie coming at you with another video. It’s the first video I’ve posted actually in a little while. But this video is going to be all about where to set up your cannabis business, not focusing on a specific city or county, but more or fewer items that you need to be looking at when you’re vetting out different properties that you either want to purchase or lease.
So the first place that you actually want to start with is understanding the local rules behind zoning, permitting, inspections in your particular area that you’re looking at. For that, just going a real quick phone call down to the county permits or the city permits office will actually solve a lot of those problems.
Normally, what I see in my practice is that a grow is required to be set up on a property that’s zoned for agricultural or industrial use. For a processor, you’re usually looking at those same items, and then for a dispensary, you’re going to be looking for a property that’s zoned for commercial use.
Now, this is assuming that there are zoning regulations within the jurisdiction that you’re wanting to set up in. Sometimes those regulations are not available, or they do not apply.
So finding a location, say in, I don’t know, let’s say, Grady County, and then giving the Grady County permits office a call, see if your property is located inside of, or outside of the city limits or in the county proper, and then from there asking what there are zoning requirements are, asking what they want to see for a building inspection.
Normally, building inspections hit five points, structural, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and fire, mechanical being HVAC unit, normally. So giving a real quick call to the county or city permits office will actually save you a lot of problems and a lot of headaches down the line downstream. My name is Isaiah Brydie, I am an Oklahoma marijuana lawyer who is here to help you with any of your Oklahoma Cannabis business legal needs.