Your Rights Will Not Be Denied as Long as You Follow Oklahoma State Question 820
Video Transcribed: We are continuing with the question of what Oklahoma State Question 820 says. I am Ope Adegbuyi, a Tulsa medical marijuana business lawyer.
So, we’re talking about what Oklahoma State Question 820 provides. In my last videos, we’ve talked about who’s protected, and what the requirements are.
In this video, we’ll be talking about what the Act protects in general. Oklahoma State Question 820 says that any person who conducts is permitted by the proposed Act will not be denied custody, parenting, or visitation of their children, will not be punished, penalized, or have their status revoked if they are parolees, on probation, or under state supervision.
They will only need to provide identification information to an adult use licensee for the purpose of identifying information. They should not constitute a basis for detention, search, or arrest, except in connection with other crimes or violations. They should not be denied the right to own a firearm or accessories and should not be denied eligibility to public assistance programs and will not affect medical marijuana laws.
And so basically what that section was trying to say is, as long as you follow the rules of the Act, then those things such as your parental rights, your public assistance programs would not be denied to you just solely on the basis of you following the Act.
For more information from a medical marijuana business attorney in Tulsa, you can contact