You Will Need to Be Affiliated with a Business to Obtain a Transporter Agent License
Video Transcribed: We’re continuing with the question of what are the three types of transporter licenses. I am Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Business Attorney Ope Adegbuyi.
In my last video, we talked about the first type of transporter license, which is the general transporter license. And then this video we’re going to be talking about the second type, which is the transporter agent license.
The transporter agent license allows the individual license or individual employees, owners, or agents to transport medical marijuana on behalf of a licensed transporter, including growers, processors, dispensaries, and standalone commercial transporters.
So the business licensees apply for the license on behalf of their employees, and then if it’s approved, then the OMMA will issue you an identification transporter card that you would have to have, including your business’s transportation license. You have to be affiliated with a commercial business or a commercial marijuana business license for you to be able to get your license. So you’re only attached to one business as a transporter agent, but you can transport to other businesses.
For more information from an OMMA compliance lawyer in Tulsa, you can contact me at