Medical Marijuana Use Is Not Regulated by Oklahoma State Question 820
Video Transcribed: So we’re continuing with the question about State Question 820 and what it says. I am Ope Adegbuyi, a medical marijuana business lawyer in Oklahoma.
In my last video, we talked about what Oklahoma State Question 820 does not regulate.
Before I actually go into what it would regulate, there’s also a provision in there that says that the proposed Act, which is State Question 820, does not limit the rights of patients of medical marijuana, business licensees or employers, landlords, and the government rights to limit or regulate marijuana use.
So this means that the Act does not regulate or affect the Medical Marijuana Act, nor does it affect the rights that landlords and employers already have when it comes to regulating their employees and tenants, and so again, this part is just saying this Act is only regulating or talking about adult use and recreational use, and not medical marijuana or laws that are already in effect.
You can contact me, an Oklahoma medical marijuana attorney, for more information at