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This is Medical Marijuana Attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do Oklahoma medical cannabis law. And today, we’re going to do step six of starting a medical marijuana business. So we’ve already gone through steps one through five, and today we’re going to discuss your driver’s license, and your proof of residency.
Before you can make an application to OMMA, you need to have all these documents ready. It’ll make your life so much easier. The driver’s license is for all owners. You have to provide a color copy of the front of your driver’s license, and you have to also provide a copy of the back of your driver’s license.
It will make your life a lot easier, and prevents you from being rejected, if you remember to do your copy of your driver’s license, in color, that’s for the front. We get it that the back is black and white, and it’s not going to change colors.
But you need a copy of the back of your driver’s license. And again, this is for each and every owner of the business. You will get rejected if you forget the back, or if you don’t provide it in color.
The next thing is proof of residency. As you all should know, if all of the owners are not Oklahoma residents, the Oklahoma residents, or residents, will own 75% of the business.
And any non Oklahoma resident will only be able to own a combined amount of 25%. So if you have lived in the state of Oklahoma for at least two years, or five years out of the last 25 years, then you need to have documentation to prove that.
There are multiple ways to prove it. You can provide your Oklahoma taxes. You can provide leases that show that length of time. If you’ve got an old driver’s license that’s expired or your current driver’s license, that is an Oklahoma driver’s license is at least two years old, then that can be used. What else?
Deeds that show that you have owned the property for more than two years. But if you don’t have an Oklahoma license, they’re going to question whether you have been living out of state. Because technically, the law is, you have to change your driver’s license to Oklahoma if you’ve been here, I want to say 30 days, but it could be less than that. I’m not a lawyer and I’ve lived here since ’81. So I’ve had an Oklahoma driver’s license the majority of the time that I’ve driven.
Needless to say, those are very important documents. Proof of residency, they do check. And we highly recommend that you get all this stuff together before you want to file your OMMA application. We’ll talk to you about step seven here shortly.