The State of Oklahoma Shall Decriminalize Marijuana/Cannabis, Marijuana Paraphernalia, Marijuana Infused Products and Marijuana Concentrates, Marijuana Concentrate Smoking Devices Immediately Upon the Passage of This Article
Video Transcribed: Hi, this is Oklahoma Cannabis Attorney Isaiah Brydie. We medical cannabis law. We work with businesses as well as patients who are in need of some legal help. Today. we’d like to discuss with you State Question 812. Probably haven’t heard a whole lot about state question 812, but it concerns the decriminalization of marijuana.
We, along with some business owners, activists, and patients, got together and worked on this. This is written by the people, for the people. What we’d like to do here is read through this. If you have any questions, reach out to us to speak to a Tulsa medical marijuana attorney.
The state of Oklahoma shall decriminalize marijuana/cannabis, marijuana paraphernalia, marijuana-infused products, marijuana concentrate, and marijuana-concentrate smoking devices immediately upon the passage of this article.
Upon the passage of this article, the Oklahoma Department of Correction shall immediately release any and all offenders serving time for the following cannabis/marijuana-related offenses:
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana;
- Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, marijuana, with the intent to distribute;
- Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, marijuana, within 2000 feet of a school or public park;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, within the presence of a minor child;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, without a tax stamp; and,
- Possession of proceeds derived from a violation of the uninformed, controlled, dangerous substance act, to wit any of the crimes listed in sections A through E herein.
There we go.
The state of Oklahoma shall, upon release of all offenders who committed the above crimes from all state prisons, cities, municipals, county, township jails, and detention centers immediately start the expungement process, at cost to the state of Oklahoma, for all persons released for the following crimes:
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, with the intent to distribute;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance marijuana within 2000 feet of a school or public park;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, in the presence of a minor child;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, without a tax stamp; and,
- Possession of proceeds derived from a violation of the uniform controlled dangerous substance act to wit any of the crimes listed in sections A through E herein.
The state of Oklahoma shall expunge the records of all offenders, with costs to the state of Oklahoma, for all persons who have been convicted of and or charged for the following crimes:
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana with the intent to distribute;
- Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, marijuana, within 2000 feet of a school or public park;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, in the presence of a minor child;
- Possession of a controlled, dangerous substance, marijuana, without a tax stamp; and,
- Possession of proceeds derived from a violation of the uniform controlled dangerous substance act to wit any of the crimes listed in sections A through E herein.
Effective date: this article shall become effective immediately upon the passage of this article.
So that is the decriminalization bill, State Question 812 in its entirety.
Now, in the beginning of this, in the preamble, you’ll see that this would be article 32 and it refers to article 31. We do have another state question. It’s State Question 813, which would fix all of the problems with the medical marijuana program that our legislature has rained on us. It would also bring in recreational marijuana in a very controlled fashion, to where it’s more regulated and controlled, which will keep the black market out.
We want to protect our medical marijuana program. Recreational is going to come whether we want it or not. That bell has been rang with State Questions 806, 807, and 808.
Of those three, 806 has been pulled back, but 807 and 808 are still hanging in there. So we want to show people that we can have medical, we can have recreational, but we don’t need the recreational like they have in California and Colorado to the point that it ruins the medical program.
Hope that makes sense. If you have any questions, reach out to us by phone or email to speak to a Tulsa medical marijuana attorney.