You Must Be at Least 1,000 Feet From Any Open School
This is Medical Marijuana Attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do Oklahoma medical cannabis law. We’ve done step one, step two, and step three of starting a business in the medical cannabis industry. Today, it’s step four.
Since you have your property, you’ve registered it with the secretary of state, you’ve gotten your EIN, you’ve gotten your certificate of good standing and you’ve gotten your certificate of compliance, your next step would be to get the proof of distance from a school for the property, as well as your proof of location using GPS.
Now, the OMMA has a tool on their website that will help you determine the distance from a school, which is a thousand feet. You must be at least 1,000 feet from any open school. I don’t mean any school that is open just during the school year. It includes the non-school year as well. You would need to do that.
Then, to get the GPS locations, you would put the address into Google and you would hit search, and then you’d get the Google map. When you go on the Google map, you can right click and it says, “What’s here.” If you click on “What’s here,” it’ll give you your GPS coordinates.
Those are required for OMMA to obtain your license. This is for growing, dispensaries, a processor’s license, and a transportation agency license. You have to have this GPS even for the laboratories, because this isn’t about the school. This is just where the GPS location is. That’s step four.