Consult a Medical Marijuana Attorney When Assistance Needed
This is Medical Marijuana Attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do Oklahoma medical cannabis law. Today we are going to talk about step five in starting a medical cannabis business in Oklahoma. Today, we’re going to discuss the affidavit of lawful presence form and your background check requirements.
So the background check is regarding you have to get this done at OSBI or through OSBI. That’s the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations if you’re not familiar with that.
And you also must not have any felony convictions in the last two years or any violent felony convictions in the last five years. So all owners must have an OSBI background check, and they must not be any older than 30 days when you make application to OMMA. So be very careful and mindful of that.
So then, you have to have an affidavit of lawful presence form. It’s a form that is on the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority website. It’s under the link business. And at the very bottom of that dropdown box, you’ll see forms. You click on that and it is under business forms.
The affidavit of lawful presence is actually the very first link under business forms. So basically, the affidavit of lawful presence is you are attesting that you are a United States citizen, and that you are legally here.
And if you’re not a United States citizens, that you are legally here, in order to qualify for a medical marijuana license, business license. So if you have any further questions on the background checks or the affidavit of lawful presence, feel free to reach out to us and we’ll try and walk you through it. Call (918) 932-2879 to speak to a Tulsa medical marijuana attorney.