You Must Be at Least Age 25 or Older
This is Tulsa Cannabis Business Attorney Isaiah Brydie, where we operate OK Cannabis Law Office. We do Oklahoma medical cannabis law. We are constantly getting phone calls asking, “How do I know I’m not going to be rejected if I make an application for a commercial license in the medical cannabis industry so I can open a medical marijuana dispensary?” Well, let’s go through the requirements.
First off, you must be at least age 25 or older. There’s no getting around that. You must be a resident of Oklahoma, to hold the majority license or sole license of a medical cannabis business. You must not have had any felony convictions in the last two years. You can have no violent felony convictions in the last five years.
So those are your primaries. Now, as far as residency goes, you must have lived in the state of Oklahoma for at least two years or you must have a business partner who has lived in the state of Oklahoma for at least two years.
So now, if you are a non-resident or have not lived in the state of Oklahoma for at least two years, then you can only hold 25% of that business license. They require proof of residency.
So, with that being said, you will need to be able to provide that if you want to hold more than 25%. Now, if you’ve lived in the state of Oklahoma for five years within a 25-year period, and you can prove it, then you can hold a license but you have to have the documentation to prove it. They’re not going to just accept your word.
And we’re asked constantly how to get around it. There’s no way to get around it. So what we recommend is: move to Oklahoma, start establishing your residency, get a business partner from Oklahoma, and then have an agreement where you can purchase the business from them further down the line after you have fulfilled your residency requirements. So, that is how to keep from getting your license rejected, and how to get the process started. So, talk to you soon.