The Importance of Tagging Every Marijuana Plant
Hello, this is Cannabis Business Lawyer Jesse Kovacs with the OK Cannabis Law Office and today we’re just going to ask, do I have to tag every single marijuana plant on my grow operation?
Yes. The answer is, unfortunately, yes. We know that some clients and some people in the industry are trying out some business methods and business operations that involve many, many, many more plants than usual. And some have been wondering, well, do I still need to tag every single one of these plants? And the answer is yes. For the seed to sale tracking system to work, OMA wants you to tag every single plant and have it tagged all the way until it is harvested.
Now, why is this important? Well, you might have seen that the Attorney General just seized 77,000 more illegal marijuana plants, all because they were untagged. So yes, get those tags on. The cost is unfortunate, but it’s what you got to do to protect yourself from having your product seized or having your operations forestalled.
Low-cost Strategy Session for Your Medical Marijuana Grow Operation
If this information was helpful for you and you would like to find more like it, you can visit our website at We offer a low-cost consultation to discuss your medical marijuana grow operation and answer any questions you may have.